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Dr. rer. nat. Daniel Göhring

Since March 2012, I am working at the International Computer Science Institute in Berkeley, California. Visit my current Homepage [here].

Research Assistant
Artificial Intelligence Group
Freie Universität Berlin
Daniel Göhring
Room E29   Phone: ++49 (0)30 838 75-128
Arnimallee 7   Fax: ++49 (0)30 838 75-193
14195 Berlin   E-Mail:   drgoehring(at)zedat.fu-...
Office hours: by arrangement

My research interests within Cognitive Robotics are control theory and cooperative world modeling approaches. In recent work I am committed to analyze different modeling approaches for their feasibility under different conditions. Thus, main topics in my research are Bayesian filtering techniques, Markov modeling approaches and Dynamic Bayesian networks.
Since 2010 I am part of the project AutoNOMOS, where I am developing behavioral and control algorithms for an autonomous car.

© 2011  Dr. Daniel Göhring | Feedback  


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